Significantly after a long absence, Naruto returns to his own comic. It's just a simple shape, but it's still around to kick the hero's nice to remind you. Naruto continues to train this week, when we open the rain and Naruto. Beekeeping closer to Naruto figuring out the tail of an animal thought bomb, but he can feel a disturbance force, because Naruto is having trouble concentrating. The interesting thing here, Naruto and Kinkaku two different times in the history of kyuubi kyuubi chakra has an argument, but Naruto is tapping into the same energy that the other person because you can predict. He was the cause of disturbance levels and to learn about the war, you can see whether the remains.

(The guy should be noted that in the rest of the reviews, etc.) On the other hand, Darui using the Seven-Star swords and scarlet gourds are looking for a little Gaunt, jokingly Kyuubinkaku tries to apologize. Kyuubinkaku to silence anger at the First Division will not start. In particular, five miniature demon fox in his coat tails and physically attacking an opponent that can be used to form a gigantic tail. The first division Kyuubinkaku Choza shinobi in a variety of steps up to bat will take precedence. Choza, but animal barehanded grapples, we kyuubi chakra, you know that the physical contact is toxic. At this point, the elderly cloud shinobi probably before he divulged his allies need to provide some information. Madara for possession of the hidden cloud bijuu As a result of the play, Kin-Gin brother was swallowed whole by a fox demon fox, before returning to tame. So we are brothers to acquire the skills of the myths about how to present the whole story seems to contain more than the truth.

Two episodes in the first place is also a hidden cloud village has an ambitious public and they would turn the traitor in the future, but, Kinkaku and Ginkaku instead of one village were extremely dangerous mission. This is the case of power could be brothers do damage? If the chakras are not the same evil and devouring the filter, they have fundamentally changed. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
First Division front-line crisis began, Intel will be forwarded to Headquarters Shinobi. She is the leader of the village is connected to the most complex Kyuubi, but Tsunade news on the development of new surprises. It's two Kinkaku and Ginkaku Raikage throw them in the end it again, forcing a fox feasting on the meat in the stomach during those two weeks I'm here to show that he survived. This legendary feat of inspiring others to repeat the operation to destroy, but deadly when the bijuu's chakra because others do not get this way bijuu chakra. Kinkaku and Ginkaku achieved such a feat, perhaps a distant six paths of reasons related to their wise men of Raikage that posits.
First Division front-line crisis began, Intel will be forwarded to Headquarters Shinobi. She is the leader of the village is connected to the most complex Kyuubi, but Tsunade news on the development of new surprises. It's two Kinkaku and Ginkaku Raikage throw them in the end it again, forcing a fox feasting on the meat in the stomach during those two weeks I'm here to show that he survived. This legendary feat of inspiring others to repeat the operation to destroy, but deadly when the bijuu's chakra because others do not get this way bijuu chakra. Kinkaku and Ginkaku achieved such a feat, perhaps a distant six paths of reasons related to their wise men of Raikage that posits.

At this point, Raikage Kyuubinkaku to suppress the selection of the best shinobi of the fifth seal is a treasure I believe him. The cloak of Kyuubinkaku Darui needed to make the work of the weapons went to the ropes and it is because they have the tools to seal the beast's a good thing.
Immediately prove my theory wrong last week, the fifth treasure shinobi 8-tails hidden in the cloud using to host Amber Purifying port. Some readers of this forecast and if she's seen it, congratulations! Comes another treasure pot, similar behavior, but less demanding. All you need is sealing all the targets and the response to the call if he is sealed in jars. As a weapon, it is quite trump card, but so far it has not been brought out a way to seal it in him to many people means that there are limits. It has a capacity of one entity if it is particularly troublesome for Ninja Resurrection makes sense to store the pot. Otherwise, it's also (江 户) Tensei will make quick work of. In addition, Raikage defected from the village and the pot was hidden, the cloud can be recovered only when the Kinkaku and Ginkaku the treasure that they stole the show.
Immediately prove my theory wrong last week, the fifth treasure shinobi 8-tails hidden in the cloud using to host Amber Purifying port. Some readers of this forecast and if she's seen it, congratulations! Comes another treasure pot, similar behavior, but less demanding. All you need is sealing all the targets and the response to the call if he is sealed in jars. As a weapon, it is quite trump card, but so far it has not been brought out a way to seal it in him to many people means that there are limits. It has a capacity of one entity if it is particularly troublesome for Ninja Resurrection makes sense to store the pot. Otherwise, it's also (江 户) Tensei will make quick work of. In addition, Raikage defected from the village and the pot was hidden, the cloud can be recovered only when the Kinkaku and Ginkaku the treasure that they stole the show.

Shikaku the First Division of the slogans that you need now to deliver intelligent and can not wait for the item. Fortunately, the secretary is not a problem because the Raikage sent are trained to use technology. He Ino, Shikamaru and Choji and communicates Shikaku as planned in. Where there is a problem Kinkaku a five kinds of treasures are owned, so he they are counter to know how to, but one thing Ino Shika one trillion formation to recover and can Inoichi of technology.
While preparing his strategy Shikaku First Division is having a hard time processing Kyuubinkaku. The destruction of the battlefield, and Sasuke as he fought Kyuubi Naruto is reminded of the damage to landscapes. First Division with a lone shinobi outclassed, and Kyuubinkaku Darui the pot to put him in the know are trying to seal. He makes smart decisions and realize that he plans to breed is that if you tried, Darui. And he's also a fellow of Darui Typically, Kitsuchi and taijutsu techniques in his district will be succeded. And Kitsuchi and the Second Division to the First Division reduced to arrive ready to assist. Team Asuma could be the lynchpin of the plan Shikaku, but each member of the legendary Nidaime Hokage defeated opponent is going to care. Let Shikaku children in secret. The legend is often exaggerated after the fact, and it drove the previous generation to figure as the subject of a new generation to once again tie, someone outdoes the original before the birth of a new legend is not an absolute true length.

Shikaku wise words of a former teacher looking back, Team Asuma made a legend of a new era to begin. Kyuubinkaku Darui to the barrage of kunai and ordered all shinobi and start things, yet neunyi Kyuubinkaku third speed or 'copper' Ninja does not impress. Eventually, he leveled the once giant cage level is an individual. Kyuubinkaku easy enough to throw him away, but Choji to charge the enemy, the moment of distraction for the offensive use. Shikamaru, but this technology to successfully mimic the shadows of their use is so faint reavealed. It is about the power of the kyuubi chakra does not hold long, Plano mental body switch has enough to cast. After that, InnoDB just Darui, Darui to respond to Kyuubinkaku seals, sealing it except for the tail from the body before the Eno.
Kinkaku and Ginkaku battle with very high ends. Two brothers, the first rate talents and abilities and chakra shinobi has Darui, but if you collect enough points, the copper may be more valuable than gold. Team Asuma and in a desperate situation on the battlefield showed excellent timing and teamwork. Make sure their legend has grown. Three children, intelligent, (and a little help), and the teamwork and jinchuriki could win two Akatsuki members. And as promised, Darui gold plated pride stripped away from the brothers are very proud of that.
Kinkaku and Ginkaku battle with very high ends. Two brothers, the first rate talents and abilities and chakra shinobi has Darui, but if you collect enough points, the copper may be more valuable than gold. Team Asuma and in a desperate situation on the battlefield showed excellent timing and teamwork. Make sure their legend has grown. Three children, intelligent, (and a little help), and the teamwork and jinchuriki could win two Akatsuki members. And as promised, Darui gold plated pride stripped away from the brothers are very proud of that.

This chapter was good. Momentum of the plot, the main character a little, and a lot of action and a good bit of strategy occurred. I Kin-gin because I look forward to the battle with less than the recognized, but the same lean (Lean) for a fight, had little to no filler is Kishimoto, the 1st Division was desperate for a jinchuriki how fast delivery was achieved quite a feat. It has remained fairly homogeneous shinobi given that the remaining old jinchuriki is interesting to see how it handles. I also won this battle, not the brute strength that you think fit, but with intelligence, this is a real victory on the battlefield is the key. In addition, characterizations continued to be superior. And Shikaku in the last few chapters, we had a good subject for a hat.

So the biggest myths about jangeseoneunyi series of information in this chapter, I'm an idiot, ninja how to shape the history of the world would like to have had time to talk about. Thing we know
* Hidden in the early formation of a cloud at some point, the town had achieved kyuubi. As a result, Kinkaku and Ginkaku devouring its entrails remained unrepeated over bijuu chakra absorbs the feats. In addition, five shinobi of the hidden treasures of cloud six paths that belong to the acquisition of the Sage.
* Konoha, and then taming the beast Madara Uchiha and Kyuubi first possession is the nalahgatseup, but falls with Konoha, Senju Hashirama president's wife, after the bowl.
* Kinkaku and Ginkaku Purifying Amber Fort, they were recovered, taking the treasures of the five shinobi, defected behind the cloud.
* Nidaime Hokage Nidaime Raikage and the formal partnership (perhaps the first Shinobi help put an end to World War II) attempted to enter, but Kin-Jin brothers held a coup. Countries the possibility of a coup easily because it is very vulnerable during times of war, in fact, it seems likely.
* Hidden in the early formation of a cloud at some point, the town had achieved kyuubi. As a result, Kinkaku and Ginkaku devouring its entrails remained unrepeated over bijuu chakra absorbs the feats. In addition, five shinobi of the hidden treasures of cloud six paths that belong to the acquisition of the Sage.
* Konoha, and then taming the beast Madara Uchiha and Kyuubi first possession is the nalahgatseup, but falls with Konoha, Senju Hashirama president's wife, after the bowl.
* Kinkaku and Ginkaku Purifying Amber Fort, they were recovered, taking the treasures of the five shinobi, defected behind the cloud.
* Nidaime Hokage Nidaime Raikage and the formal partnership (perhaps the first Shinobi help put an end to World War II) attempted to enter, but Kin-Jin brothers held a coup. Countries the possibility of a coup easily because it is very vulnerable during times of war, in fact, it seems likely.

* Nidaime Hokage, Tobirama Senju, known as Kinkaku his team faced the power to help his team ran the first Shinobi died during World War II. Kinkaku at least put him near death, defeated No. 2 Hokage are known. Therefore, we can conclude as in this case.
In fact, the last chapter in the preceding information to clarify a few inquiries. From this we Kinkaku and Ginkaku summoned to five on four kinds of treasures that you know how. Before they die, if they have hidden the brothers, then in Kabuto Tensei own learning materials that would have had no problems. In addition to criticize a brother too explain why clouds are hidden. It is a coup attempt by the brothers do not do it. The five nations that they were destroyed so that the cost of an extended war, but it will do. Also, the two brothers (Kakazu, depending on), probably after the defeat of Ginkaku, you can use the demon fox coat and Kinkaku was known to be used in combat before. If so, then even the Tobirama Senju has developed Tensei reason becomes clear. His death, the elderly brother Hashirama Wed tame the bijuu was one of two people, and the hidden cloud Kyuubi chakra shinobi has the second with. In the battle of his enemy, if you need to stop, he is the best way to revive him and the Kyuubi's chakra and Hashirama would contract. While technology still seems to be ambiguous in this context, it seems essential.
In fact, the last chapter in the preceding information to clarify a few inquiries. From this we Kinkaku and Ginkaku summoned to five on four kinds of treasures that you know how. Before they die, if they have hidden the brothers, then in Kabuto Tensei own learning materials that would have had no problems. In addition to criticize a brother too explain why clouds are hidden. It is a coup attempt by the brothers do not do it. The five nations that they were destroyed so that the cost of an extended war, but it will do. Also, the two brothers (Kakazu, depending on), probably after the defeat of Ginkaku, you can use the demon fox coat and Kinkaku was known to be used in combat before. If so, then even the Tobirama Senju has developed Tensei reason becomes clear. His death, the elderly brother Hashirama Wed tame the bijuu was one of two people, and the hidden cloud Kyuubi chakra shinobi has the second with. In the battle of his enemy, if you need to stop, he is the best way to revive him and the Kyuubi's chakra and Hashirama would contract. While technology still seems to be ambiguous in this context, it seems essential.

Consider and Kinkaku and Ginkaku. The host of the Kyuubi Naruto, but only the animal's Yin chakra (or have the amount). When they eat the meat of the Kyuubi, the brothers are not completely filter is likely to absorb chakra. Schedule, except for the death of two full weeks of deployment situations where they survived. Kyuubi right and eat meat, but nothing two weeks. After this they cloud the hidden light of two to see how it can be considered as simple. But afterwords, Konoha with his own talent trumping, Kyuubi was reserved. In addition, the same people and their villages are ready to sign a peace treaty. What were their sacrifice? They threw themselves to capture the Kyuubi nearly died in the process. By all rights, they are after eating the meat of fox deaths. Now they have Kyuubi's enemies and their town is ready to simply accept this. From this perspective, it is as futile as the Kinkaku and Ginakau warriors how to betray the town and the cage is easy to understand. This filter is not the devil that is hosting the chakras and how to change a person does not say anything. They are despicable, but they empathized with the ability to not more. They had positive qualities. Eventually, the brothers as they cared deeply about each other.
Last week I stopped her on how to be wrong, but my prediction is that Kyuubinkaku shinobi forces him to pull all the stops you need to include it predicts that anger. We also have not seen before jinchuriki, shinobi treasure for the rest of my theory is incorrect.
We can see you next week? Now after his death, his team has demonstrated its growing focus on the future can offer Asuma would be the perfect time to think. However, I have caused his soul to be released as a result of the doubt. From there you can go into many directions. Genkai and the third sector is still kekkai seven Swordsmen mist shinobi are fighting. Shinobi famous revival is still fighting the First Division. Has not seen the resurrection of the bijuu. I will be converging on the cage Gaara. And there are black Zetsu. Maybe I want to see that Dan has been described by his own means. I see we have the old cage and / or black Zetsu and I think the start of the conflict.
Last week I stopped her on how to be wrong, but my prediction is that Kyuubinkaku shinobi forces him to pull all the stops you need to include it predicts that anger. We also have not seen before jinchuriki, shinobi treasure for the rest of my theory is incorrect.
We can see you next week? Now after his death, his team has demonstrated its growing focus on the future can offer Asuma would be the perfect time to think. However, I have caused his soul to be released as a result of the doubt. From there you can go into many directions. Genkai and the third sector is still kekkai seven Swordsmen mist shinobi are fighting. Shinobi famous revival is still fighting the First Division. Has not seen the resurrection of the bijuu. I will be converging on the cage Gaara. And there are black Zetsu. Maybe I want to see that Dan has been described by his own means. I see we have the old cage and / or black Zetsu and I think the start of the conflict.